INT-1111: Module 2: Lab Zero

INT-1111: Module 2: Lab Zero


Develop a Python program to convert a temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit, and then display the temperature in Celsius and the temperature in Fahrenheit.


  • A temperature in Celsius, entered at the keyboard.


  • Enter a temperature in Celsius:  0


  • Set up the formula to do the conversion


  • Display the temperature in Celsius and the temperature in Fahrenheit.


  • The temperature in Celsius is  0.
  • Once converted to  Fahrenheit,  the temperature is  32.


Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) = (Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) * 9/5) + 32.

The Lab Zero.pdf

(Problem #9) provides the formula needed to do the conversion.


  • Use to create your solution (in Python).
  • Submit your program link with all appropriate comments for your program.
  • You need to set up a Python solution that is complete and workable.

For your solution to be complete, you must:

  • prompt the user for the input data (a  temperature in Celsius)
  • set up a correct formula to process the input data, arriving at the output data
  • provide the output (the temperature  in Celsius and the temperature in Fahrenheit).

For your solution to be workable:

  • Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
  • You may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode or flowchart
  • You do NOT need to turn in any algorithm

Instructions on documenting your solutions:

  • Prior to the start of your solution, include a paragraph of Python comment lines, explaining what is being accomplished. (3 points)

The material in Chapter 2 includes information on how to do program documentation. Within your solution, include the following 3 sections:

  • Input Data: document variables used to hold input data (2 points)
  • Output Data: document variables used to hold output data (2 points)
  • Processing: document the formulas/equations you set up as part of your processing (2 points)

Grading Rubric:

Documentation 9 points
Solution complete and working properly  16 points
 Solution not working (programming errors)  8 points
Inputting not done according to the specifications     -3 points
Missing input item -4 points
 Missing output item  -4 points
Processing is done incorrectly -4 points

Answer Preview: INT-1111: Module 2: Lab Zero

Celsius to Fahrenheit




