Uses of Cloud Computing and Web 2.0

Uses of Cloud Computing and Web 2.0

Uses of Cloud Computing and Web 2.0

Research Paper (unit 6)

Write a paper explaining the business uses of cloud computing. Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length and explain the business uses of each. Using the internet, research the business uses of cloud computing. When you do the research, pay particular attention to how cloud computing  are used in organizations and the technology required for them.

Write a paper explaining the business uses of cloud computing. Be sure to address the following in your assignment:

•Explain could computing a Web 2.0
•Explain how organizations use these tools
•Describe the technology required to use these tools
•Discuss the benefits of each
•Discuss the limitations of each

Answer Preview-Uses of Cloud Computing and Web 2.0

Uses of Cloud Computing and Web 2.0



