Evaluating Exercise and Fitness Programs

Evaluating Exercise and Fitness Programs

Evaluating Exercise and Fitness Programs

The CDC has assessed a number of successful worksite obesity prevention programs as part of the CDC’s LEAN Works! project. Click on the following link

http://www.cdc.gov/leanworks/resources/stateresources.html  to review one of the case studies provided on their website.

For your final assignment, discuss the effectiveness of the selected program. In your analysis, it would be a good idea to incorporate the following questions:

  • Why is it important for this employer to address obesity in the workplace?
  • How does this employer work with other stakeholders in the community such as the healthcare providers, schools, retail outlets, and public health departments to develop effective interventions targeting obesity?
  • Is childhood obesity an issue for this employer? What is this employer doing to address childhood obesity?
  • How does this employers motivate employees to make better health choices? Identify the strategies.
  • How does this employers support overweight and obese employees who face barriers to change?

Your analysis should be at least 3 pages in length (not including reference page), completed in APA 6th edition format. Your completed paper should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

Answer Preview-Evaluating Exercise and Fitness Programs

Evaluating Exercise and Fitness Programs




