Ethical Issues Affecting Stakeholders

Ethical Issues Affecting Stakeholders

Ethical Issues Affecting Stakeholders-Part Two – Final Project Complete and submit for grading Part Two of your final project. Follow the instructions below: Download the documents for Final Project Part 2 •Download the Case #2 from Doc Sharing. This can be found in the document called “LS312 Final Project.doc”. Write in your responses Question A) What is this corporation’s social corporate responsibility for each ethical issue or concern for the four areas of corporate social responsibility? Write a minimum of 2 pages in APA format addressing these issues and citing one of the philosophers from the diagram above to help you substantiate your argument or viewpoint. •Legal •Economic •Ethical •Philanthropic Question B) This question is on Stakeholder Management. Write a minimum of 2 pages in APA format addressing the questions below regarding these stakeholders: employee, the customer, the community and the shareholders: •What is each of the above stakeholders’ interests for each ethical issue or concern you identified? What are the stakeholders’ responsibilities for each ethical issue or concern you identified? What are the possible decisions the corporation could make for each ethical issue or concern, and what are the possible effects on the stakeholders? Directions for Submitting Your Assignment Before you submit your assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location and with a name that you will remember. Make sure your assignment is in the appropriate format (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or other), then, when you are ready, you may submit on the Dropbox page

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Ethical Issues Affecting Stakeholders




