Lab-Browser Artifact Analysis-CST 640

Lab-Browser Artifact Analysis-CST 640

Lab-Browser Artifact Analysis-Lab 7-Worksheet Digital Forensics Technology and Practices

Table of Contents

Introduction. 2

Screenshot 1 – Internet Explorer Google Search for Yourname. 3

Screenshot 2 – Google Search for Yourname using Internet Explorer History. 4

Screenshot 3 – Internet Explorer Google Search for Yourname InPrivate Mode. 5

Screenshot 4 –Analyze Your Internet Explorer History using a Forensic Tool 6

Screenshot 5 – Google Chrome Search for Yourname. 7

Screenshot 6 – Bing Search for Yourname using Google Chrome History. 8

Screenshot 7 –Analyze Your Chrome History using a Forensic Tool 9

Screenshot 8 – Firefox DuckDuckGo Search for Yourname. 10

Screenshot 9 – DuckDuckGo Search for Yourname using Firefox History. 11

Screenshot 10 –Analyze Your Firefox History using a Forensic Tool 12

Conclusion. 13

APA References. 14

Introduction-Lab-Browser Artifact Analysis

Students: In the box below, please explain the purpose of doing this lab below and explain how it is relevant to Computer Forensics.



Screenshot 1–Internet Explorer Google Search for Yourname

  1. Using Internet Explorer, go to the and do a search for your first name. Take a screenshot of your search for your first name using IE. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search using Internet Explorer

Screenshot 2 – Google Search for Yourname using Internet Explorer History

  1. Go to your History within Internet Explorer and find the Google search for your first name. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search within your Internet Explorer History

Screenshot 3 – Internet Explorer Google Search for Yourname InPrivate Mode

  1. Using Internet Explorer in InPrivate mode, go to the and do a search for your first name. Take a screenshot of your InPrivate search for your first name using IE. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search using Internet Explorer in InPrivate Mode

Screenshot 4 –Analyze Your Internet Explorer History using a Forensic Tool

  1. Use the Forensic Tool provided in the lab to view your History within Internet Explorer and find the Google search for your first name. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search within IE using a Forensic Tool

Screenshot 5 –Chrome Bing Search for Yourname

  1. Using Google Chrome, go to the and do a search for your first name. Take a screenshot of your search for your first name using Google Chrome. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Bing Search using Chrome

Screenshot 6 – Bing Search for Yourname using Google Chrome History

  1. Go to your History within Google Chrome and find the Bing search for your first name. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search within your Internet Explorer History

Screenshot 7 –Analyze Your Chrome History using a Forensic Tool

  1. Use the Forensic Tool provided in the lab to view your History within Google Chrome and find the Bing search for your first name. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search within Chrome using a Forensic Tool;

Screenshot 8 – FirefoxYahooSearch for Yourname

  1. UsingFirefox, go to the and do a search for your first name. Take a screenshot of your search for your first name using Firefox. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search using Mozilla Firefox

Screenshot 9 – Yahoo Search for Yourname using Firefox History

  1. Go to your History within Firefox and find the Yahoo search for your first name. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search within your Firefox

Screenshot 10 –Analyze Your Firefox History using a Forensic Tool

  1. Use the Forensic Tool provided in the lab to view your History within Firefox and find the Yahoosearch for your first name. The use of anyone else’s name may result in an academic integrity review by your professor.Please label your screenshot to receive full credit.

Take a screenshot of the Your Name Search within IE using a Forensic Tool


Students: In the box below, please explain the purpose of doing this lab below and explain how in is relevant to Digital Forensics Technology and Practices. Highlight any new learning that occurred while doing this lab.

Hint: Discuss tools and commands used in the lab.

























APA References

Students: Please list at least 5 relevant APA References.

Answer Preview-Lab-Browser Artifact Analysis-CST 640

Lab-Browser Artifact Analysis-CST 640




