Software Journal 3-INT 2840

Software Journal 3-INT 2840

Software Journal 3-

  • Continue in the same Word file from last week and under Journal 3 heading enter the date and write how you are felling right now.
  • Read Chapter 6.1.2.
  • Reach Chapter 3
  • What is OSS and what are the main reasons why a firm would choose it over commercial software?
  • What is Linux? List the reasons why Linux is installed on only a very small fraction of desktop computers.
  • What is LAMP stack? What does each component contribute?
  • Find a recent new article, within the last year, about OSS.  Practice “active reading” by reading the article. Write a summary of each of its main points in your own words. Start the summary with the name and date of the article. Be sure to include the article’s APA citation in your Works Cited page for easy reference.
  • Visit http://www.SourceForge.netLinks to an external site.. Scroll down and pick an Open Source or Business product category that an individual or enterprise might use. Investigate three products in that category. Are the OSS efforts you identified provided by commercial firms, nonprofit organizations, or private individuals?  What web site souses you used? Would you adopt these particular products? Briefly state why or why not? Briefly state factors influence your adoption decision? You may list these facts in a table. The columns headings could be Product, Provided By, Source of Info, Adopt, Reason, and Factors.
  • Define and then list the benefits of using virtualization.
  • What are the factors that must be considered when making the make, buy, or rent decision? Briefly describe each in our own words.
  • Define SaaS, discuss problems that may arise because SaaS solutions rely on Internet connections and briefly discuss the advantages of through-the-browser access.
  • Submit Journal 3 into the link by the due date on the course detailed schedule.

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Software Journal 3-INT 2840




