Leadership Development Case Study

Leadership Development Case Study

Leadership Development Case Study: Consolidated Products(p. 59 text)

Assignment Instructions and Requirements

  1. Link or go to the following web site (Personality Test Center) and complete the on-line personality traits test (68 questions). When you are finished click on Score Test and record your Jungian Personality type (four letters) displayed at the top of the page.IMPORTANT – write your type down before you leave this web page.


  1. Located in the paragraph following your personality score click on ‘Click here’ and on the new page that opens find the statement that is associated with your personality type. Record the descriptive label and the percentage of the total population that shares your personality type.
  2. Link or go to the following web site (The Personality Type Portraits) and note/record the descriptor that is associated withyour personality type, then click on your ‘score’ to read about your personality type.


  1. Reflect back upon your life to date – the things you have done and the decisions you have made – and compare your actual behaviors, beliefs, and values to the theoretical description of your personality type. Assess the similarities and differences.
  2. Now reflect forward and consider in what ways this new knowledge about yourself may impact your ability to be an effective leader as your professional career moves forward.
  3. Write a summary (2-3 pages) of your findings and reflections in accordance with the following requirements.
  4. a) Title – centered, 12 pt. Times New Roman Bold font, Assignment 2 – My Personality Type followed by your name.
  5. b) Content – no introductory paragraph

– unless noted otherwise all sub-headings should be 12 pt. Times New Roman Bold font, and all text should be 12 pt. Times New Roman, double line spacing

– following the left-aligned sub-heading ‘Personality Type’ record your 4-letter personality type and descriptive label

– following the left-aligned sub-heading ‘Assessment of Findings’ summarize the similarities and differences between your theoretical personality and what you perceive to be your actual (living) personality

– following the left-aligned sub-heading ‘Perceived Affect Upon My Leadership Ability’ summarize what you foresee as the potential impact your personality type may have on your ability to be an effective leader

no summary paragraph

IMPORTANT NOTE:Do not write a summary report of the description of the characteristics of your personality type

  1. Submit your paper to the respective D2L drop box before the stated due date and time. Late submissions (more than 3 calendar days) will receive no credit (0 points)

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Leadership Development Case Study




