Cloud and IT-423

Cloud and IT-423

Cloud and IT-Throughout this module, you have enhanced your knowledge about cloud-computing concepts and have gained a better understanding as to how cloud systems can improve organizational operations.

In your initial post for this discussion, introduce yourself to your peers, briefly state which program you are in, and discuss your career aspirations. Then address the following:

  • What knowledge of cross-platform technologies do you remember from previous coursework?
  • What are the connections or relationships between the topic, big data, and IoT?
  • What is an example of IoT that you have come across in your life?

In responses to your peers:

  • Build on the original posts’ claims by explaining whether you agree or disagree with your peers’ thinking, and add any information or knowledge that should be clarified.
  • Then share potential societal, futuristic, or long-term implications of the IoT the original poster shared.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Answer Preview-Cloud and IT-423

Cloud and IT-423




