Cocaine and Amphetamines

Cocaine and Amphetamines

Cocaine and Amphetamines-List and describe the different forms of cocaine and amphetamines. Follow this up with a brief discussion of some of the treatment options for individuals with cocaine and amphetamine addictions. Back up your information with scholarly resources.

Addresses assigned topic. Reflects a full understanding of all key concepts and questions. Reflects thorough familiarity with the assigned readings. Connections to the course material are evident and fully developed. Specific and appropriate examples are used. Cited correctly where appropriate.

These response papers should be two pages in length, unless otherwise specified, and must be submitted to the Dropbox by the end of each week. These responses should indicate how you used the course material (textbook, journal articles, newspaper articles, videos, etc.) to arrive at your answers and opinions. APA formatting is not required for these response papers, but please include a references page where needed (it may only be the textbook in some cases).

Answer Preview-Cocaine and Amphetamines

Cocaine and Amphetamines




