Behaviors of Teenage Boys and Girls Shopping

Behaviors of Teenage Boys and Girls Shopping

Behaviors of Teenage Boys and Girls Shopping-Observation Assignment
This assignment is an observational study. Choose a local retailer – it could be local coffee
shop, restaurant, grocery store, department store, etc. You must have a minimum of 5
observations. The data is based only on observation not on any interaction.
Choose one of the following characteristics to observe in the people shopping.
 Gender – e.g., “Compare the behaviors of men shopping alone for groceries with those
of women shopping alone,” or “Compare the behaviors of preadolescent boys shopping
with their parents (or an adult) with those of preadolescent girls.”
 Subject’s age – e.g., “Compare the shopping behaviors of senior citizen couples with
those of young couples,” or “Observe the behaviors of teenagers
without a parent.”
 Product – e.g., “Observe coffee purchases in convenience stores or coffee shops,” or
“Observe the purchase of impulse items at the point of check out ranging from the
campus bookstore to a local sandwich shop.”
 Any pertinent variable – e.g., Store type or the racial/ethnic/cultural affiliation of the
Write a 3 – 4 double spaced page paper that compiles the results and discusses their
implications. Apply concepts from the lesson to your analysis.
The paper should be subdivided into three sections:
1. Objective
2. Methodology
3. Key Findings

Answer Preview-Behaviors of Teenage Boys and Girls Shopping 

Behaviors of Teenage Boys and Girls Shopping 




