Quiz #1 Introduction-PSYC-101

Quiz #1 Introduction-PSYC-101

Quiz #1 Introduction


Each quiz question is worth 1 point. Once you start the quiz you will have 15 minutes to finish it. Questions will be presented one at a time. Make sure you answer each question because you cannot go back to answer it later.

Question 1

The variable that a researcher manipulates in an experiment is called the:

independent variable.
dependent variable.

experimental group.

third variable.

Question 2
Structuralists investigated the conscious parts of the mind by having a person describe the elements of their mental experience in as much detail as possible. This technique is known as:

inner perception.

individual analysis.


Question 3
The more time Annie devoted to studying, the better her scores on exams. This fact illustrates a(n):



case study.

Question 4
Which of the following statements best describes how psychology is useful?

Much of psychology is just common sense.
Psychological principles are too scientific to apply to everyday life.

Psychological principles are highly applicable to everyday life.

Much of psychology is about applying common sense to everyday life.

Question 5
Dr. Alvarez studies how the degeneration of nerve cells in the brain might contribute to the development of multiple sclerosis. Dr. Alvarez’s work best exemplifies the ________ subfield of psychology.




Question 6
You are confident that your new roommate is a critical thinker after noticing the following bumper sticker on his car:

“Show me the evidence!”
“Trust your gut!”

“The only truth is no truth.”

“What is the meaning of life?”

Question 7
The purpose of psychology is to:
verify personal beliefs.

interpret memories, thoughts, and dreams.

help us to respond to the world around us.

understand and predict human behavior.

Question 8
Investigators who are interested in studying attitudes and would like to gain a lot of information very quickly are likely to use:

an experiment.

a case study.


Question 9
Talisa is writing a paper on critical thinking. She wants to explain how critical thinking differs from everyday thinking. Accordingly, which sentence is Talisa most likely to include in her paper about the differences between critical thinking and everyday thinking?

Critical thinking and everyday thinking often result in the same conclusions.
Critical thinking relies on personal examples more than scientific evidence for making conclusions.

Everyday thinking evaluates information and scientific research to make reasonable conclusions.

Critical thinking evaluates information and scientific research to make reasonable conclusions.

Question 10
When a researcher manipulates a variable to see what effect the manipulation has on another variable, the research design is a(n):

correlational study.

observational study.
case study.

Question 11
Which of the following sampling techniques gives each member of the population an equal chance of being selected to participate?

a case study
convenience sampling

random sampling

random assignment

Question 12
In the nature/nurture debate, the term nature refers to the question of how ________ factors affect the mind, brain, and behavior.

conscious or unconscious

either biological or environmental


Question 13
A psychologist wants to create two groups that are as similar as possible at the beginning of an experiment. To do this, the psychologist should use:

participant observation.
self-report methods.

random sampling.
random assignment.

Question 14
A set of interconnected ideas that psychologists use to explain prior research findings and to make predictions about the future is called (a)n:

literature review.


Question 15
Dr. Stanley would like to find out whether her study guide helps students perform better on exams. She randomly assigns students to one of two groups: Group 1 receives her study guide and Group 2 receives no study guide. Then, after three weeks, the performance of each student is measured on an exam. What is the dependent variable in this study?
There is no dependent variable in this study.

the group that did not receive the study guide

students’ performance on the exam

the study guide

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Quiz #1 Introduction-PSYC-101




