Quiz #3 Learning-PSYC-101

Quiz #3 Learning-PSYC-101

Quiz #3 Learning

Question 1

In Pavlov’s research, dogs learned that the sound of a metronome predicted the arrival of food, so the dogs salivated at the sound of the metronome. In this research, classical conditioning occurred in part because the ________ elicited a(n) ________ response (salivation).

unconditioned stimulus (metronome); conditioned
conditioned stimulus (metronome); unconditioned

conditioned stimulus (food); conditioned

unconditioned stimulus (food); unconditioned

Question 2
Jess always feels hungry at 7:00 PM. Maggie, Jess’s roommate, decides to play a particular song for Jess at 6:59 PM for several nights in a row. One night, Maggie plays the song at 5:30 PM and Jess says, “Huh . . . I suddenly feel hungry.” In this situation, classical conditioning occurred because:

the song naturally causes Jess’s stomach to growl.
Maggie presents dinner before playing the song for Jess.

Maggie paired a neutral stimulus, a song, with an unconditioned stimulus, a certain time of day, when Jess always felt hungry.

Maggie plays the song when Jess first arrives home and then waits an hour to serve dinner.

Question 3
A rehabilitation center reinforces patients’ good behaviors with Monopoly money, which they can then trade in for food, movies, or other privileges. When they behave badly, however, the patients lose Monopoly money. To modify the patients’ behavior, the center is using:

positive punishment.
a token economy.

a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement.

a continuous schedule of reinforcement.

Question 4
Professor McCready wants to study animal learning by putting birds in a cage where they have to figure out how to peck a button to receive food. Professor McCready is using              to modify animal behavior.



a Skinner box

Question 5
Jonathan is traveling to Italy, and his motto for his trip is “When in Rome, do as the Romans do!” This phrase suggests that Jonathan is most likely to learn how to behave in Rome based on:

operant conditioning.
observational learning.


classical conditioning.

Question 6
George is traveling to visit his friend Ryan in a neighboring town but has to take a detour due to road construction. At first George feels lost, but then he notices a sign for Madison Street and immediately knows where he is and how to navigate to Ryan’s house. In this situation, George has reached Ryan’s by using:

positive reinforcement.
positive punishment.

insight learning.

a cognitive map.

Quiz #3 Learning- Question 7
Timothy believes that his infant son was born as a blank slate, knowing nothing about the world. This information suggests that Timothy most likely believes in:

associative learning.
long-term potentiation.


tabula rasa.

Question 8
Braxton’s friend Shayla is caught cheating on a test and receives an F. Braxton learns the consequences of cheating by watching Shayla be punished for this action. Braxton has learned through:

vicarious conditioning.

operant conditioning.


Question 9
Ever since she saw a snake eat a mouse at the reptile exhibit at the zoo, Jin has been terrified of snakes. Now Jin’s class has a pet snake and her teacher wants to help reduce Jin’s fear. The teacher begins by only uncovering the snake aquarium when Jin and her classmates are eating snack. This attempt at associating the snake with something positive is called:

systematic desensitization.
second-order conditioning.

stimulus discrimination.

counter conditioning.

Question 10
Taylor’s parents are inconsistent with their child-rearing practices. Some days, Taylor can get away with climbing onto the back of the couch and jumping off, but other days she is punished. Taylor’s parents are reinforcing her behavior on a ________ schedule.
fixed ratio
variable interval

fixed interval

variable ratio

Question 11
During Tammy’s eye exam, a buzzer rings and a puff of air is blown into her eye, which makes her blink. This happens several times. Then Tammy blinks when she hears the buzzer because she expects that a puff of air will be blown into her eye. In this example, Tammy is showing ________ learning.




Question 12
Ralph ate sushi for lunch, and an hour later he felt sick to his stomach. In this situation, classical conditioning might occur. In other words, Ralph might learn an association between sushi and feeling sick because the two events:

are not related.
relate to biological needs.

are paired closely in timing.

prohibit normal functioning.

Question 13
Dr. Shaw has a patient who has a phobia of spiders and also loves doing puzzles. Dr. Shaw exposes the patient to spiders briefly while having the patient complete a fun puzzle. Dr. Shaw is using ________ to treat his patient’s phobia.

counter conditioning
systematic desensitization

second-order conditioning


Question 14
When Billy’s upstairs neighbor wakes up early to take a shower, Billy is typically awakened when the water starts, but then he gets used to the noise and goes back to sleep. In this example, Billy is showing learning through:




Question 15
Billy has watched many movies in which the hero smokes cigarettes. Billy identifies with these heroes and begins to smoke himself. Billy’s new smoking behavior is best explained by:

latent learning.
partial reinforcement.


Quiz #3 Learning





