Quiz #9 Psychological Disorder-PSYC-101

Quiz #9 Psychological Disorder-PSYC-101
Quiz #9 Psychological Disorder
Question 1

Every thing on Floyd’s desk is kept in it exact place. He straightens his things each day and gets upset when something is not put back in its proper place. He does not like to bring work home with him because it means the paperwork is not properly filed when he gets to work the next morning. Based on this, Floyd is likely to be diagnosed with a personality disorder in the               cluster.




Question 2
You are worried by the fact that you have been feeling very down lately. Which of the following would most likely DECREASE your risk of developing major depressive disorder?

entering REM sleep more often and staying in REM sleep longer
feeling that you are not capable of changing your life’s course

attributing positive events in your life to your own hard work

damaging your left prefrontal cortex

Question 3
 Angie often has relationships that are full of tension, and her emotions in these relationships range from extremely loving to angry and depressed. Other people view her as intense and unstable. Under which cluster of personality disorders is Angie’s behavior likely to fall?



Question 4
Lamont thinks his neighbor sends subliminal messages to his brain. To prevent these messages, Lamont believes he should not shower or change his clothes ever day. Lamont does not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, but he may be experiencing a long-lasting, maladaptive patterns of interacting with the world around him. In this case, Lamont may be diagnosed with:
a personality disorder
diminished brain ventricles

negative symptoms

dissociative identity disorder

Question 5
Dara is always on the move! She has a hard time sitting still in her desk at school and often has difficulty finding classmates to play with because she misses social cues and is impulsive. Based on this, Dara is most likely to be diagnosed with:

autism spectrum disorder.
a communication disorder.

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

a motor disorder.

Question 6
Because there are several factors, in addition to vulnerability and stress, that can lead to psychological disorders, many psychologists today rely on:

a dimensional approach
criteria in the DSM-5

the diathesis-stress model

a biopsychosocial approach

Question 7
Malcolm worries that shaking hands with strangers will infect him with germs. Therefore, he washes his hands after every time he meets someone new. Malcolm is displaying signs of:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.
social phobia.


panic attacks.

Question 8
Lisa has a normal response to stress when she is worried about losing her job. Lisa’s reaction may become an anxiety disorder if it:

goes undiagnosed
lasts for more than a few weeks

is paired with underarousal of her autonomic nervous system

is excessive in the absence of a true threat

Question 9
Gloria sometimes finds herself experiencing episodes of sudden overpowering terror and worry that come out of nowhere and make her short of breath. Based on this, Gloria might be diagnosed with:

panic disorder.
generalized anxiety disorder.

posttraumatic stress disorder.


Question 10
The COVID-19 pandemic let to increases in psychological distress among most age and racial/ethnic groups in the United States; however, suicidal thoughts increased particularly among:
emerging adults and minority groups

college students and older adults

children and White Americans

older adults and minority groups

Question 11
Nearly everyone experiences periods of sadness or of feeling down or depressed. However, these feelings, although common, are not likely to be diagnosed as depression by psychologists. This is because:

only lasting episodes of depressed mood that interfere with a person’s life and cause significant distress require a diagnosis and treatment
people who suffer from “the blues” often don’t realize that they are depressed and thus don’t seek treatment

periods of sadness must also include a component of anxiety or worry to qualify for a diagnosis

psychologists do not diagnose or treat depression; the diagnosis can be made only by a medical doctor

Question 12
Because Simone works with clients who have anxiety disorders, she knows that the key characteristic of this group of mental disorder is:
changing moods that are not related to events in the environment.

feelings of increasing nervousness in the absence of threat.

ongoing problems with interpersonal relationships.

disorganized thoughts and high physical activation.

Question 13
Which of the following conditions would place you at the greatest risk of developing schizophrenia during your lifetime?
Your spouse has the disorder.
There are generally higher rates of schizophrenia in your culture.

Your fraternal twin has the disorder.

Both of your parents have the disorder.

Question 14
Individuals diagnosed with depression tend to attribute negative outcomes to ________ and positive outcomes to ________.

errors in logic; their unconscious selves
others; themselves

chance; chance

personal shortcomings; luck

Question 15
Dr. Pinna is treating Sal, an individual with antisocial personality disorder. Dr. Pina is unlikely to use punishment as a way to change Sal’s behavior, because people with antisocial personality disorder:

do not experience punishment as unpleasant
have never experienced punishment before and are unlikely to be responsive to it

do not understand that the punishment is connected to their behavior
enjoy punishment, so punishment actually acts as a reward




