Language Development in Primary Years

Language Development in Primary Years

Language Development in Primary Years

Creative Drama and Investigative Player

In this week’s reading and web resources, you find that children receive more formal instruction in the primary years. With this change there is a shift in how exploratory activities evolve into investigative play. Please respond to this three-part discussion in three paragraphs and support your responses with research and references from your reading:

Use and identify a story book of your choice, design a lesson for a Read Aloud that you would use in your classroom or center to enhance the primary child’s language development. Model your lesson after the one you observed in SEDL’s video: Read Aloud: Bringing Stories to Life.

In your role as early childhood professional, describe a creative drama based on your selected Read Aloud activity for use in the primary years .

Apply your knowledge as an early childhood professional to a discussion on investigative play and developmentally appropriate practices in a primary classroom. Please be sure to support your answer

SEDL. (2012, Aug 17). Read aloud: bringing stories to life. [Video file]. Retrieved from research and references

Answer Preview-Language Development in Primary Years

Language Development in Primary Years




