Island Nations and Globalization

Island Nations and Globalization


Island Nations and Globalization

Your final product may be no longer than four, double spaced, typed pages.  You may discuss the assignment with any member of the class, but each student must produce his or her own final written product.

The exercise requires no research.  Research will be more counterproductive than helpful.  The exercise is mandatory for all students. No late papers will be accepted. Keep a copy of your paper in the event your original is misplaced.   The exercise is worth 35 points.

The directions concerning exercise structure (paragraphs, sentences, underlining etc) from previous exercises are still strongly suggested but not required.

The video Island President, is available “on reserve” at Hannon library for students to review.  It may be checked out for 4 hours.  It is also available from Netflix among other sources.


Part I.  Discuss how the responses of two different citizens of the Maldives, as depicted in the video Island President, reflect the “backlash” against Globalization.  This will require you (a) to define the kinds of behavior that represents evidence of “the backlash,” and (b) explain how those citizens fit your mold. (10 points)

Part II.  Would Robert Kaplan expect the Maldives to respond to the forces of Globalization more like West African states  (or Turkey or other Middle Eastern states)?  Your conclusion is less important than your explanation.  Carefully analyze both possibilities.  (5 points)

Part III.  Identify potential “partners” for the Maldives (the nation-state) in battling the effects of Globalization?  Explain what the partners and Maldives have in common and what strengths or assets they bring to  achieving their “mutual objective.”  (5 points)

Part IV.  Align your response in Part III (above) with Friedman’s ideas about the course  or inevitability of Globalization.  That is, would Friedman give the same kind of advice that you have or would he suggest a different path for Maldives?  In his view, what corrective measures should the Maldives as a state take to address the consequences of Globalization? (5 points)

Part V.  If YOU were advising the people or government of the Maldives about how to respond to “preserve” their STATE from the impact of Globalization, what tactics would you urge upon them?  (5 points)

Part VI.  What do think the chances are that the Maldives still exist ABOVE water in 50 or 100 years?  Why?  What does your answer say about your sense of the path of Globalization? How should the people of the Maldives respond in light of your prediction?  (5 points)

Answer Preview-Island Nations and Globalization

Island Nations and Globalization




