Taliban Terrorist Organization

Taliban Terrorist Organization

Taliban Terrorist Organization

Choose one terrorist organization, (It doesn’t need to be one that we investigated in class, but it should have been operative relatively recently. It can be a non-state or a state actor.), and conduct the following analysis. How does the group self-identify? What typology does the group best fit? What are the primary issues to which the group is responding? What types of actions does the group undertake? How is the group covered in the media in the United States? What interventions have been attempted? You should also recommend a possible strategy for managing the group.

The paper should be at least 8 pages in length. Written in 12 point Arial or Helvetica, double spaced and with normal margins. The paper, including references, should be formatted in ASA style. See the links to Perdue OWL located on Black Board.

Answer Preview-Taliban Terrorist Organization

Taliban Terrorist Organization





