Disney Company Target Market Segments

Disney Company Target Market Segments

Disney Company Target Market Segments

Module 2 – Case


Case Assignment

Read the following:

Marr, Marissa (2007). Disney reaches to the crib to extend Princess magic. Wall Street Journal(November 19). Available March 7, 2013, at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119543097711697381.html

Next, respond to the following questions:

  1. Identify and describe the different segments to which Disney is targeting
    1. Its Princess products,
    2. Its Princess and related lines of products.
  2. Discuss whether and how Disney is using its communication and marketing strategies to establish a CRM objective.
  3. In your opinion, are there any potential sources of noise in the communication and marketing strategies Disney has been using in its efforts at marketing the Princess products? If so, what are they and how serious could they become?

Assignment Expectations

When your paper is done, proofread it (use both spelling and grammar checks), then upload it.

Use information from the modular background as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please, cite all sources at the end of your paper.

The following will also be specifically assessed:

  1. Your ability to clearly communicate your understanding of the concepts (i.e., clouding, etc.)
  2. Your ability to link the concepts to the issues of privacy, transparency and reliability.

Length: 2-3 pages, double spaced.

Points will be deducted for assignments that are less than at least two pages long and poorly written.

Answer Preview-Disney Company Target Market Segments

Disney Company Target Market Segments




