Role of Immigration in the History of United States

Role of Immigration in the History of United States

Role of Immigration in the History of United States

TOPIC: Appraise how immigration has impacted United States since 1876, explaining how government regulations and popular support have changed up until 1930.

What topics can be examined?

Two levels

What topics can be examined?

First level (Pick One) •

Labor for economic growth •Cultural contributions •Participation in the American Dream, Civil Rights? •Others

Second Level (Pick One Second Level and apply to First Level Topic)

•Government Regulation •Popular Support

How many topical paragraphs?

Two •Labor and government regulation •Labor and popular support Be sure to specify the immigrant groups – Chinese, Japanese, Hispanics (Mexican, Puerto Rican), East and Southern Europeans

The challenge is to focus the essay while including the immigrant role, government or popular support, and the different immigrant groups


0-2 thesis sentence(answer)

0-2 thesis paragraph

0-2 supporting paragraphs

0-2 quality of supporting paragraphs including citing sources

0-2 historical relevancy and overall quality

Answer Preview-Role of Immigration in the History of United States

Role  of  Immigration in the History of United States




