Nature Vs Nurture

Nature Vs Nurture

Your final paper will be either supporting the stance you have, are we more Nature or Nurture (Nature vs. Nurture)? Two main perspectives were discussed throughout the semester: Nature and Nurture Three main sections were discussed for each stage: physical, cognitive and socioemotional Seven Developmental stages were examined and reviewed: Infancy ~ Early Childhood ~ Middle & Late Childhood ~ Adolescence ~ Early Adulthood (Emerging Adulthood) ~ Middle Adulthood ~ Late Adulthood Not to mention the articles, videos, Ted Talks etc. that either contradicted or supported many of the theories we discussed. Now it is time to take all that information and incorporate it into a final paper. The final paper will prove that one side (Nature OR Nurture) has more of an influence on our seven developmental stages than the other. You can choose either side after learning all you have throughout the semester. Be sure to follow the format for a PAPER not an essay (see the Home Page for tips). Additionally, you will need to use at least FIVE references from the resources and readings throughout the semester (one of the references can/should be your textbook). Be sure to cite throughout your paper and use examples. This paper was somewhat written for you already. Feel free to incorporate information from your assignments and posts over the past several weeks. Make sure if you ‘copy/paste’ information from your previous work there is a scholarly flow to the paper. DO NOT just copy/paste a bunch of information that does not flow well together or does not prove that stage/theory/section for your side.




