Racism and Slavery In American Society

Racism and Slavery In American Society

Paper The purpose of the paper is to investigate a particular social, political, cultural or economic topic/event that influenced the historical evolution of American society from the Colonial period to the 20th century. In researching your paper you should carefully research the topic, choose an issue that you find interesting i.e. racism, prejudice, or violation of constitutional rights etc. Then research that particular topic, and write a paper based on the data compiled. Your paper should reflect a coherent analysis, solid organization and creativity. Your topic is the subject you have chosen to write about. If you merely collect bits of information about your topic, you will not write an effective paper. “A history paper, like many other kinds of academic writing, usually takes the form of an argument in support of a thesis—a statement that reflects the conclusion you have reached about your topic after a careful analysis of the sources.” Here are a few questions that your paper could address, in its inquiry. What is the principle argument (i.e. topic/thesis) of your paper? This should Appear in the first or second paragraph of your paper. A concise and comprehendible thesis is a vital part of an excellent paper. A thesis is not a desсrіption of your paper, a thesis is not a question, and a thesis is not a statement of opinion. Rather a thesis is the heart of your paper, it presents what you have concluded about the topic under discussion and provides the focal point for the rest of the essay. Analysis answers why for example, why is your subject (racism/segregation/colonial expansion) pivotal to the study of American history? OR what specific political, economic, cultural and/or social factors influenced your particular paper topic? No Summary’s will be accepted, you need to show analytical thought on the subject matter. Papers will be submitted as a word document/PDF using a link created for that assignment on Canvas. For Face-to-Face classes papers will be submitted in hard copy in class. In conducting additional research for your paper, please keep in mind the time constraint on the assignment. If the library does not have, for whatever reason, certain books, biographies, autobiographies, journals and/or magazine articles on your subject, it is strongly advised that you choose another topic on which the library has sufficient documentation. On the other hand, if there is an enormous amount of sources available on your topic; simply narrow your choices by utilizing several books. If you have any questions about research for your paper assignment, please consult me as soon as possible.




