Ashley Madison Data Breach

Ashley Madison Data Breach

see instructions: Students are asked to write an individual formal report (800-1000 words, excluding front and back matter) addressed to decision-makers at an organization, assessing their handling of risk/crisis communication during this event, and making recommendations for future planning. The report should reference course concepts and use a minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed research sources in addition to the text (APA style). Note that you are not expected to undertake primary research for this assignment. Please do not contact the organization directly.

I would like this checklist to be completed within the paper
How clearly is the risk/crisis identified?
• Is the organization’s response documented and fairly analyzed?
• Are proposed risk/crisis recommendations logical and well argued? Are they
supported by research?
• Is the report clear, concise, coherent, and well organized?
• Are sentences well written and understandable? Are the mechanics of grammar,
punctuation, spelling, and usage correct?
• Has a relevant and original visual aid been created and effectively used?
• Is APA style used correctly for in-text citations and references? Have an
adequate number of sources been used?




