IT Security Awareness-ITT-307

IT Security Awareness-ITT-307

IT Security Awareness-It has been proven that employees can be a huge asset for an organization’s cybersecurity. If employees are provided with proper security awareness training, they can act as another line of defense for an organization. Therefore, creating a culture of security awareness within a business is highly beneficial.

Research several employee security awareness training plans, tools, and techniques.

  1. Outline the ten most important security awareness topics that should be presented to employees. For each, provide a unique way an organization can address the topic in the workplace (this can include email communications, posters, webinars, etc.)

Then, in roughly 250–500 words, address the following:

  1. Describe the interaction between security and system usability, and the importance for minimizing the effects of security mechanisms.
  2. How can leadership promote diversity, effectiveness, and responsiveness in addressing security awareness?
  3. How can teamwork support security awareness and ensure everyone is aware of their role in keeping the company secure?
  4. One of the purposes of security awareness training is to reduce the risk of a data breach. There are two major risk factors: people and devices. Some people have to be granted access to regulated or sensitive information; you cannot simply disallow all access to the data. But sometimes their deliberate actions can lead to a data breach of valuable company data. Discuss how to value human dignity while enforcing security regulations from a Christian worldview.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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Answer Preview-IT Security Awareness-ITT-307

IT Security Awareness-ITT-307




