Leadership and Cultural Diversity

Leadership and Cultural Diversity

Research Findings Gap. What is currently known from the scholarly research in the peer reviewed literature( within the last 3 – 5 years) is made evident•Discussion of existing knowledge must be supported with solid peer reviewed references including both seminal and current citations •The symptoms of the problem in population (in this case Nigeria must be supported with solid peer-reviewed references. What is not yet known, the specific gap in knowledge concerning relationship among variables in the peer reviewed literature is identified NOTE:•A lack of research for a particular population, by itself, is not a theory gap •A lack of research for a particular management practice, by itself, is not a theory gap •The theory gap has to be specific enough to allow the reader to identify the research questions The symptoms of the problem in organizations/population must be clear. The theory gap preventing us from solving the problem must be supported with solid peer-reviewed ref




