Mass-casualty Incident (MCI) Response

Mass-casualty Incident (MCI) Response

Mass-casualty Incident (MCI) Response-A mass-casualty incident (MCI) creates a uniquely challenging management and coordination quagmire. These events can occur as a result of natural disasters, such as a tsunami, earthquake, or hurricane; they can be a result of an accident, such as a ferry sinking during inclement weather; or they can result from an act of violence, such as a terrorist attack like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing or the attacks of September 11, 2001. In any case, these attacks present a unique challenge to law enforcement, emergency response teams, and government oversight.

As you explore the different methods used to deal with MCIs, as well as the different governmental agencies that may be involved, consider the following:

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

  • What federal and state agencies are required to deal with an MCI resulting from a terrorist attack? Why?
  • How do you distinguish between federal and state authorities for both operational and management functions? Explain.
    • How do you ensure a fusion of effort between federal and state authorities? Explain.
  • MCIs resulting from terrorist attacks are considered the purview of law enforcement. This creates a challenge during multi-jurisdictional MCIs. During MCIs resulting from domestic terrorism, such as the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, what law enforcement agency should have primary jurisdiction? Why?
    •  How should federal law enforcement engage state and local law enforcement for support? Why?
  • Treating long-term physical and mental health effects following any MCI can prove costly to state governments. How should the federal government work with states to ensure that proper medical and mental health is provided? Explain.
    • What federal and state organizations should be responsible for these efforts? Why?

Answer Preview-Mass-casualty Incident (MCI) Response

Mass-casualty Incident (MCI) Response





