A Personal Narrative-This is for a writing process 2 test :Examination Questions 1. Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. a. Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits. b. Explain why a certain sport is your favorite. c. Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer. d. Analyze the best way to buy a car, mow a lawn, or prepare a meal. e. Describe a memorable day in your life. 2. Write a letter of complaint. Follow the rules for a business letter, and use the full-block style. The complaint may be about anything you wish (such as malfunctioning equipment, poor building maintenance, or disruptive noises from a nearby business). You can base your letter on a true experience, or you can make up all the details you need. Please note that a form letter or a template cannot be used in constructing your response to question 2. When a form letter or template is used, you are giving little to no thought to wording or formatting, and you are not actually creating your own complaint; you are simply filling in the blanks of someone else’s work. For this reason, a grade of 1% will be issued if a form letter or template is used.
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