Assignment 2: Hunter-Worth: Critical Analysis of Communication Breakdown and Cultural Disconnect
(Focus Paper)
To begin this Assignment, it is important to read two related resources in which you will gain valuable insights as you write your paper.
The first resource is to complete the “Personal Assessment of Communication Apprehension
Exercise” on page 503 – 504 in the Daft textbook. Calculate and record your score according to the instructions. Your own score is an assessment about your level of comfort in various communication situations. In the paper, you will apply what you learned from the “Personal Assessment of Communication Apprehension Exercise” to address the Hunter-Worth Case. As you review the case, think about the communication apprehension of the individuals in the case.
The second resource is to read the journal article – “Thinking of a plant in Mexico?” In this article you will discover valuable cultural insights that global managers need to understand in the context of a U.S.A.-Mexican joint-organizational business venture. Please go to the Kaplan Library to search for this journal article.
The following article can be found in the Online Kaplan Library:
de Forest, M.E. (1994). Thinking of a plant in Mexico. Academy of Management Executive, 8(1), 33-40. doi:10.5465/AME.1994.9411302385
Next, thoroughly read the case study of Hunter-Worth in the section called “Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis” on page 506 in the Daft textbook. Whether you live in a small town or a large city, today’s organizational workplace is often globally interconnected and it is crucial that managers understand different global perspectives of competiveness and create a global
organizational environment that allows people to collaborate in an effective manner.
In this paper you will examine how a leader would address communication breakdown in the context of cultural difference found in the Hunter-Worth case study. Additionally, you will draw upon deeper insights you have gained in the Personal Assessment of Communication Apprehension Exercise and from the article, “Thinking of a plant in Mexico?”
Construct and write your paper with subheadings that connect to the key components of the grading rubric: Introduction, Analysis, Recommendations, and Conclusion. Title your paper Hunter-Worth: Critical Analysis of Communication Breakdown and Cultural Disconnect.
Submit your paper in the Unit 3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.
Analysis of Communication Breakdown and Cultural Disconnect
Analysis of Communication Breakdown and Cultural Disconnect