Argumentative Essay-Effective Leadership

Argumentative Essay-Effective Leadership

Argumentative Essay-Effective Leadership

In this course, you will learn the writing process by working on an argumentative essay using one of the topic choices listed below. The essay you will write for this course will not use outside research and will instead be entirely comprised of your own original ideas.

Prior to posting to the Discussion Board, you will select your essay topic from the list below, keeping in mind that you want to choose a topic that you can write about without having to conduct outside research.

Topic Choices

  • Characteristics of a good parent, effective leader, or successful politician
    • For your essay, you will select 1 of the following good parenteffective leaderor successful politician and define it in your own words; after defining, you will then argue which 3 characteristics are most necessary to be a good parent, effective leader, or successful politician.
  • What characteristics are needed to be successful in an online classroom?
    • For your essay, you will explain what it means for a student to be successful in an online classroom and then argue which 3 characteristics or habits are most essential for students to achieve success in an online classroom.
  • Select your own topic
    • For your essay, you may choose a topic not listed above that is of interest to you, but it must be approved by your instructor. Keep in mind that for this assignment, your entire essay must make an argument and must come from your own original ideas, so avoid a topic that would require research. The topic cannot be too broad
    • and must be arguable 

      Introduction paragraph: Your introduction is the first paragraph in your essay. It should grab the reader’s attention, provide an overview of the topic, and end with your thesis statement.

      Thesis statement: Your thesis statement should clearly make a claim and describes the central argument or idea of your essay.

      Peer Responses

      Respond to 2 of your classmates. In your responses, remember to be constructive and polite when you offer feedback. It is best to be specific. Use these questions to assist you with your responses:

1.     Does the introduction begin with a hook designed to grab the reader’s attention? Why or why not?

2.     What background information does the introduction provide? How does the overview explain the importance of the topic?

3.     What is the thesis statement?  Is it clear? Is it making an argument?

4.     What suggestions do you have to help your classmate improve his or her introduction?

5.     Based on the identified thesis statement, what details do you expect to find in the body of the paper to support the thesis statement?

Please note that this assignment is graded on completion. By completing your post with your thesis statement and introduction and a minimum of 2 detailed and thoughtful peer responses by the deadline, you will earn full credit.

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Argumentative Essay-Effective Leadership




