Aspects of Interpersonal Communication

Aspects of Interpersonal Communication

Aspects of Interpersonal Communication

Before beginning this assignment, review the  Final Paper instructions. You will see that you will be writing a letter of advice for a couple or group of co-workers, using the first five course learning objectives of this course. This assignment is designed to get you to create a plan for doing that final assignment that will be due in Week Five.

The course learning objectives you will need to cover are:

  • Explain the principles of and barriers to effective interpersonal communications.
  • Analyze the role of communication in developing and maintaining one’s self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem.
  • Differentiate appropriate levels of self-disclosure and emotional intelligence in various relationships.
  • Describe strategies for using communication techniques to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
  • Analyze the impact of gender and culture on interpersonal communications.

This week, you will write an outline for your Final Paper. You must use the  Outline Template as the basis of your outline.

The outline must contain

  • An introduction with thesis statement. Please visit the Ashford Writing Center for more details and see the following web pages in particular:
    • Introductions and Conclusions
    • Thesis Generator
  • All learning objectives, with details about how you plan to address each. Please be sure to explain how you plan to support all of your key claims with evidence. Here, you do not have to write full body paragraphs, but you must give your instructor a sense of how you plan to cover each objective with course materials, independent academic research, and personal experiences that correlate with those key points.
  • A conclusion. The conclusion should restate the overall perspective offered in the paper, with a restatement of the thesis and the central points outlined in the paper.
  • A reference page containing at least three academic resources. You should find at least two of these resources independently in the Ashford University Library. To get started, review the following resources. And if you need further assistance, please contact the Ashford University Library.

Remember, you will need to cite your sources in order to get credit for the use of course and academic materials, which is part of how you will be assessed. If you do not understand how to do this, please review the resources provided above. If you are still having difficulties, contact your instructor. You will receive feedback on this draft so that you can make the necessary improvements for your Final Paper submission during Week Five.

Answer Preview-Aspects of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication




