Bias in Research Data

Bias in Research Data

Bias in Research Data-Discussion 1:  Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th century British Prime Minister, is often credited with making the following famous observation:  “There are three kind of lies:  lies, damned lies, and statistics.”  While statistics should be used to gain greater understanding of measurable phenomena and the correlation between underlying variables, they are far too often used deceptively or carelessly for the purpose of bolstering a popular or political opinion.  Review the following article and discuss your reaction to the example of “bad stats” included within.

Discussion 2:  The article above also briefly discusses the importance, or rather the influence, that an author’s motivation for writing a particular piece may have on how the author chooses to portray the statistical data.  Discuss methods a researcher might use to assure that she is not being unduly influenced by personal motivations.

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Bias in Research Data




