Case Study Skills Assignment #2-BIOL-107

Case Study Skills Assignment #2-BIOL-107

Case Study Skills Assignment #2

Question 1
Which of the following options is NOT a reason given by HCC’s Library page on Cite & Write and the video “Citing Basics” as to why to cite the source for any material used that isn’t completely your original idea?

Citations are only a departmental policy that needs to be followed in order to get credit for an assignment
It’s important to give credit where credit is due

When you use other people’s ideas without giving credit, it is called plagiarism
Using citations will allow you to build upon other’s ideas and research
Question 2
Which option below best represents the type of citation(s) needed for each source of information used?

Both quick reference citations (in-text citations) within your paper and detailed citations at the end of your paper (reference list) are needed.
Quick reference citations within your paper only (in-text, parenthetical format) are required.

Detailed citations at the end of your paper (reference list) only is needed.

Question 3
From the video on Citing Basics, what is the specific term we use to describing a situation where you use work without giving credit to the source of that work?



Question 4

As Microbiology is a type of Natural Science, which type of citation style will be most likely used to cite material in this course?
Hint: look in the “Cite it Right” text section on the website.

American Psychological Association (APA)
Chicago Style
Modern Language Association (MLA)

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Question 5
Library databases that provide citations such as the one shown in the beginning of the video on “Using Database Citations” will always have the correct citation for the format you want and will never need any modifications or corrections before using them in your paper.


Question 6
Academic honesty at HCC means, “incorporating one’s own thoughts and materials in all academic activities (e.g. assessments, papers, projects, lab reports).” – HCC’s Student Handbook.

Students at HCC will exhibit academic honesty through which of the following core values as stated in HCC’s Student Handbook? Choose ALL that apply.

Ingenuity – creatively researching and utilizing sources of information to complete projects and papers.
Integrity – doing quality work that reflects one’s best effort, honesty, and originality and contribute fairly to a group project
Excellence – demonstrating a high standard of ethical behavior

Respect – giving credit to those who assist in educational endeavors
Question 7
Which of the following options representation a violation of academic honesty according to details within the Academic Honesty policy of the Student Handbook? Choose ALL that apply.

Not providing in-text and full citations for sources of information used in your case study
Submitting another student’s case study as your own

Getting a tutor or parent to write portions of your case study for you
Providing all in-text and detailed citations for sources of information used in your case study

Working alone to complete your case study
Collaborating with a class mate on your case study

Copying materials directly from a source into your case study without bracketing it with quotation marks.
Question 8
What is the resulting consequence of having your FIRST academic honesty violation infraction?

The only consequence is that you will receive a “0” on the assignment.
You will receive a “0” on the assignment and your grade in the course will result in an automatic “F.” The student will then be barred from further class activities. The student will then be notified in writing the consequences and implication of the infraction by the vice president of student services.

You will receive a “0” on the assignment and the appropriate dean will be informed of the infraction. The student will then be notified in writing the consequences and implication of the infraction by the vice president of student services.

You will receive a “0” on the assignment and your grade in the course will result in an automatic “F.” The student will then be barred from further class activities. The student will need to have a hearing in front of a student conduct committee to determine sanctions. The student will then be notified in writing the consequences and implication of the infraction by the vice president of student services.

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Case Study Skills Assignment #2-BIOL-107



