Causes of Airplane Accidents-Analytical Report
“Analytical Report” is the broad term for a variety of reports that address various issues such as problems, processes, feasibility, etc.; however, what they all have in common is a focus on analysis. Although reporting on research is a heavy component of any Analytical Report, the point of an AR isn’t simply to convey information. Just like every other Tech Com document, ARs are meant to be used by a specific audience, so you need to consider what it is your audience needs/wants to know. “Analysis” implies that you are going to interpret the information in a way that is meaningful to your audience.
Specific Task: For this assignment, you’re going to write a formal Problem Analysis report, specifically you’re going to analyze a “problem” that is associated with your field of study (i.e. something that is being debated within your field, something that is currently unresolved, and something that you can contribute to the dialogue about through new research, new perspective/approach, new arguments, etc.
Let’s be clear that this is not a book report. You’re not supposed to simply tell me what everyone else is saying about this problem. Your report needs to contribute to the conversation.
Assignment Requirements
You will create a document (single spaced) that analyzes a problem within your field of study.This document will be heavily researched and documented. Make sure you adhere to the
following criteria: ( 10-13 pages )
Topic : Airplane accidents (researching on who is responsible for Airplane accidents and should families of victims be entitled to compensation?
- You are required to have a minimum of 7 sources in your report. Wikipedia and encyclopedias DO NOT count as valid sources; however, you can use them to begin your research efforts.
- You are required to have at least 1 primary source (i.e. Interviews, uninterruptedempirical data, surveys, etc.). Primary data is often a good place for you to add new substance/information to the conversation about the problem.
- You are required to incorporate at least 1 secondary source (books, newspapers, journals, websites, etc.), but more than likely you will have numerous secondary sources.
- Your report must include at least 4 visuals, 2 of which must be original. Graphs, charts, photos etc. as well as significantly altered images will count as “original” visuals.
- Your report should follow the outline for an Analytical Report that we will discuss in class : Introduction ( 1 page )
- Methodology (1 – 1,5 pages )
- Literature Review & Facts( 2 pages )
- Analysis (4 + pages )
- Conclusion( 1 page )
- Your report must properly cite all sources using internal parenthetical APA citations.
- Your report should be singled spaced, well organized, user friendly, and look professional.
- Your report must include the following supplementary materials: ( in order)
Title Page, with a properly descriptive title
Table of contents
Table of figures
Introduction ( 1 page )
Methodology (1 – 1,5 pages )
Literature Review & Facts( 2 pages )
Analysis (4 + pages )
Conclusion & recommendations ( 1 page )
Reference page (in APA style)
Any other necessary supplementary materials (i.e. glossary, index, appendix, etc.).
Department Guidelines
at least 2000 words of body text.
The report must be analytical and deal with a technical or scientific topic.
An analytical report must be one of the following types:
1) a feasibility study
2) a comparative analysis
3) an empirical research report
4) a causal analysis [i.e., cause(s) to effect(s) or effect(s) to cause(s)]
5) a problem-solution analysis
The topic should be worthy of analysis. It should be something that a client/customer/audience would pay to know. Also, that can be debated—the topic requires the analysis of more than one perspective or point of view. The report should be a useful writing sample for the student to show potential employers.