Characteristics of a Good Parent

Characteristics of a Good Parent

Characteristics of a Good Parent

Task Assignment

For the next 3 weeks, you will continue to work on your essay. Over the past 2 weeks, you began your writing process by choosing a topic, working on a thesis statement, and creating an introduction. This week, you will complete the first draft of your essay. This Individual Project will take you through the process of writing your first draft of your essay, which will be revised for your Unit 5 Individual Project.

Complete the following for this assignment:

Use your narrowed and approved topic from Units 1 and 2 based on the topic choices listed below:

  • For your essay you will select good parent, effective leader or successful politician and define it in your own words; after defining you will then argue which three characteristics are most necessary to be a good parent, effective leader, or successful politician.
  • For this essay you will explain what it means for a student to be successful in an online classroom and then argue which three characteristics or habits that are most essential for students to achieve success in an online classroom.
  • You may choose a topic not listed above that is of interest to you, but it must be approved by your instructor.  Keep in mind that for this assignment, your entire essay must make an argument and must come from your own original ideas, so avoid a topic that would require research.  The topic cannot be too broad and must be arguable

Based on the feedback you received on the Discussion Board from Unit 2, make any necessary revisions to your thesis statement and introduction. Then, follow the template below to write the remainder of your first draft. Review these guidelines to help you construct your essay in a Word document. The first draft of your essay should including the following (see the guidelines for more detail):

  • Introduction
    • Attention-getter
    • Topic overview/background
    • Thesis statement
  • First supporting paragraph
    • Topic sentence
    • Supporting details
  • Second supporting paragraph
    • Topic sentence
    • Supporting details
  • Third supporting paragraph
    • Topic sentence
    • Supporting details
  • Conclusion
  • Double-spaced using 12-point, Times New Roman font, with the first line of each paragraph indented, and 1-inch margins
  • IMPORTANT: Remember that you should not include outside research into this essay but instead should have an essay that only includes your own original ideas on your chosen topic.

Tip: Use CTU’s Writing Center, found here or in the Learning Center’s area of the Virtual Campus for additional resources and help with your writing.

Please post this task to Submitted Assignments as a Word document.

Answer Preview-Characteristics of a Good Parent

Characteristics of a Good Parent




