CCJS 321: Compare and contrast digital evidence and non-digital evidence

CCJS 321: Compare and contrast digital evidence and non-digital evidence

Rubric Name: 321 Assignment #1 Rubric

Exceeds Expectations
Above Expectations
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Criterion Score
Question 1
35 points

Student accurately and in great detail compared and contrasted digital evidence versus non-digital evidence.

Student accurately and in great detail provided 3 or more examples of similarities.

Student accurately and in great detail provided 3 or more examples of differences.

Student accurately and in great detail provided one or more scenario(s) in which non-digital evidence can be used to corroborate or refute digital evidence findings.

Content demonstrates critical thinking skills, sophisticated analysis, and other perspectives.

The student displayed exemplary critical thinking and exemplary command of this subject and discussion. The student made thoughtful connections between the material and the answers to the prompts and all positions were supported by appropriate sources.

Excellent understanding and application of theory and knowledge to the facts.

Terminology is correct in all uses.

Points Available: 31.5-35

31.4 points

Student accurately and in detail compared and contrasted digital evidence versus non-digital evidence.

Student accurately and in detail provided 3 examples of similarities.

Student accurately and in detail provided 3 examples of differences.

Student accurately and in detail provided a scenario in which non-digital evidence can be used to corroborate or refute digital evidence findings.

The writing indicates effort above and beyond in the areas of research, analysis, critical thinking, and other perspectives.

While critical thinking, command of the material, or connections made may have been only adequate in limited incidences, the student generally displayed superior critical thinking and superior command of this subject and discussion. Positions were generally supported by appropriate sources.

Clear application of theory and knowledge to the facts.

Most terminology references are correctly applied.

Points Available: 28-31.4

27.9 points

Student accurately compared and contrasted digital evidence versus non-digital evidence.

Student accurately provided 3 examples of similarities.

Student accurately provided 3 examples of differences.

Student accurately provided a scenario in which non-digital evidence can be used to corroborate or refute digital evidence findings.

While critical thinking, command of the material, or connections made may have been limited on occasion, the student displayed adequate critical thinking and adequate command of this subject and discussion. Most positions taken were adequately supported by appropriate sources.

Application of theory and knowledge indicates a general understanding of the concepts and focus of the assignment.

Terminology usage is generally correct.

Points Available: 24.5-27.9

24.4 points

Student inaccurately or insufficiently compared and contrasted digital evidence versus non-digital evidence.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently provided 3 examples of similarities or provided fewer than 3 examples of similarities.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently provided 3 examples of differences or provided fewer than 3 examples of differences.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently provided a scenario in which non-digital evidence can be used to corroborate or refute digital evidence findings.

The writing demonstrates less than sufficient work and does not generally reflect an adequate understanding of the content.

The student generally displayed limited critical thinking and limited command of this subject and discussion. The student generally made limited connections between the material and the answers to the prompts and positions taken were largely not supported by appropriate sources.

Application of theory and knowledge does not generally demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and focus of the assignment.

Most terminology was used incorrectly or insufficiently to indicate an adequate understanding of the concepts.

Points available D: 21-24.4

Points available F: 0-20.9

Score of Question 1,

/ 35

Question 2
35 points

Student accurately described each requirement in great detail.

Student accurately and in great detail described how investigators meet each search warrant requirement.

Student accurately and in great detail described how a search warrant can be used for digital evidence including 2 or more examples of where or to whom the search warrants may be served.

Content demonstrates critical thinking skills, sophisticated analysis, and other perspectives.

The student displayed exemplary critical thinking and exemplary command of this subject and discussion. The student made thoughtful connections between the material and the answers to the prompts and all positions were supported by appropriate sources.

Excellent understanding and application of theory and knowledge to the facts.

Terminology is correct in all uses.

Points Available: 31.5-35

31.4 points

Student accurately described each requirement in detail.

Student accurately and in detail described how investigators meet each search warrant requirement.

Student accurately and in detail described how a search warrant can be used for digital evidence including 1 or more examples of where or to whom the search warrants may be served.

The writing indicates effort above and beyond in the areas of research, analysis, critical thinking, and other perspectives.

While critical thinking, command of the material, or connections made may have been only adequate in limited incidences, the student generally displayed superior critical thinking and superior command of this subject and discussion. Positions were generally supported by appropriate sources.

Clear application of theory and knowledge to the facts.

Most terminology references are correctly applied.

Points Available: 28-31.4

27.9 points

Student accurately described each requirement.

Student accurately described how investigators meet each search warrant requirement.

Student accurately described how a search warrant can be used for digital evidence with sufficient detail to determine their understanding of the topic.

While critical thinking, command of the material, or connections made may have been limited on occasion, the student displayed adequate critical thinking and adequate command of this subject and discussion. Most positions taken were adequately supported by appropriate sources.

Application of theory and knowledge indicates a general understanding of the concepts and focus of the assignment.

Terminology usage is generally correct.

Points Available: 24.5-27.9

24.4 points

Student inaccurately or insufficiently described the requirements or did not provide all of the requirements.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently described how investigators meet each search warrant requirement.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently described how a search warrant can be used for digital evidence or provided insufficient detail to determine their understanding of the topic.

The writing demonstrates less than sufficient work and does not generally reflect an adequate understanding of the content.

The student generally displayed limited critical thinking and limited command of this subject and discussion. The student generally made limited connections between the material and the answers to the prompts and positions taken were largely not supported by appropriate sources.

Application of theory and knowledge does not generally demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and focus of the assignment.

Most terminology was used incorrectly or insufficiently to indicate an adequate understanding of the concepts.

Points available D: 21-24.4

Points available F: 0-20.9

Score of Question 2,

/ 35

Question 3
70 points

Student accurately and in great detail defined the Plain View Doctrine to include the 3 requirements to operate under the doctrine.

Student accurately and in great detail described a scenario in which the Plain View Doctrine could successfully be used to seize digital evidence.

Student accurately and in great detail described a counter argument which is relevant to their provided scenario.

Student accurately and in great detail defined the Exigent Circumstances Doctrine to include the circumstances that qualify as exigent under the doctrine.

Student accurately and in great detail described a scenario in which the Exigent Circumstances Doctrine could successfully be used to seize digital evidence.

Student accurately and in great detail described a counter argument which is relevant to their provided scenario.

Content demonstrates critical thinking skills, sophisticated analysis, and other perspectives.

The student displayed exemplary critical thinking and exemplary command of this subject and discussion. The student made thoughtful connections between the material and the answers to the prompts and all positions were supported by appropriate sources.

Excellent understanding and application of theory and knowledge to the facts.

Terminology is correct in all uses.

Points Available: 63-70

62.9 points

Student accurately and in detail defined the Plain View Doctrine to include the 3 requirements to operate under the doctrine.

Student accurately and in detail described a scenario in which the Plain View Doctrine could successfully be used to seize digital evidence.

Student accurately and in detail described a counter argument which is relevant to their provided scenario.

Student accurately and in detail defined the Exigent Circumstances Doctrine to include the circumstances that qualify as exigent under the doctrine.

Student accurately and in detail described a scenario in which the Exigent Circumstances Doctrine could successfully be used to seize digital evidence.

Student accurately and in detail described a counter argument which is relevant to their provided scenario.

The writing indicates effort above and beyond in the areas of research, analysis, critical thinking, and other perspectives.

While critical thinking, command of the material, or connections made may have been only adequate in limited incidences, the student generally displayed superior critical thinking and superior command of this subject and discussion. Positions were generally supported by appropriate sources.

Clear application of theory and knowledge to the facts.

Most terminology references are correctly applied.

Points Available: 56-62.9

55.9 points

Student accurately defined the Plain View Doctrine to include the 3 requirements to operate under the doctrine.

Student accurately described a scenario in which the Plain View Doctrine could successfully be used to seize digital evidence.

Student accurately described a counter argument which is relevant to their provided scenario.

Student accurately defined the Exigent Circumstances Doctrine to include the circumstances that qualify as exigent under the doctrine.

Student accurately described a scenario in which the Exigent Circumstances Doctrine could successfully be used to seize digital evidence.

Student accurately described a counter argument which is relevant to their provided scenario.

While critical thinking, command of the material, or connections made may have been limited on occasion, the student displayed adequate critical thinking and adequate command of this subject and discussion. Most positions taken were adequately supported by appropriate sources.

Application of theory and knowledge indicates a general understanding of the concepts and focus of the assignment.

Terminology usage is generally correct.

Points Available: 49-55.9

48.9 points

Student inaccurately or insufficiently defined the Plain View Doctrine or did not include all 3 requirements to operate under the doctrine.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently described a scenario in which the Plain View Doctrine could successfully be used to seize digital evidence.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently described a counter argument which is relevant to their provided scenario.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently defined the Exigent Circumstances Doctrine or did not include the circumstances that qualify as exigent under the doctrine.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently described a scenario in which the Exigent Circumstances Doctrine could successfully be used to seize digital evidence.

Student inaccurately or insufficiently described a counter argument which is relevant to their provided scenario.

The writing demonstrates less than sufficient work and does not generally reflect an adequate understanding of the content.

The student generally displayed limited critical thinking and limited command of this subject and discussion. The student generally made limited connections between the material and the answers to the prompts and positions taken were largely not supported by appropriate sources.

Application of theory and knowledge does not generally demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and focus of the assignment.

Most terminology was used incorrectly or insufficiently to indicate an adequate understanding of the concepts.

Points available D:42-48.9

Points available F: 0-41.9

Score of Question 3,

/ 70

APA and general adherence to instructions
20 points

Student followed APA format correctly (Cover page, in text citations and reference page) without format errors.

Student followed all instructions for this assignment.

Student used 4 or more appropriate resources overall to inform their thoughts and opinions for this assignment.

Points available: 18-20

17.9 points

Student mostly followed APA and format requirements for this assignment but had up to 2 errors.

Student mostly followed the instructions for this assignment. Errors were minor.

Student used at least 3 appropriate resources overall to inform their thoughts and opinions for this assignment.

Points available: 16-17.9

15.9 points

Student mostly followed APA and format requirements for this assignment but had up to 3 errors.

Student mostly followed the instructions for this assignment.

Student used 2 or fewer appropriate resources overall to inform their thoughts and opinions for this assignment.

Points available: 14-15.9

13.9 points

Student did not generally follow APA format requirements for this assignment.

Student did not generally follow the instructions for this assignment.

Student used 1 or fewer appropriate resources overall to inform their thoughts and opinions for this assignment.

Points available D: 12-13.9

Points available F: 0-11.9

Score of APA and general adherence to instructions,

/ 20

Writing Mechanics
20 points

Writing quality in terms of grammar, punctuation, usage, structure, spacing, etc. as well as reader engagement is excellent.

Student had a few minor or inconsequential writing, grammar, or spelling errors.

Points available: 18-20

17.9 points

Writing quality in terms of grammar, punctuation, usage, structure, spacing, etc. as well as reader engagement is good.

Student had few writing, grammar, or spelling errors.

Points available: 16-17.9

15.9 points

Writing quality in terms of grammar, punctuation, usage, structure, spacing, etc. as well as reader engagement is adequate.

Student had several writing, grammar, or spelling errors.

Points available: 14-15.9

13.9 points

Writing quality in terms of grammar, punctuation, usage, structure, spacing, etc. as well as reader engagement is inadequate or contains many errors that disrupt flow an understanding of the presentation.

Student did not meet writing, grammar, and/or spelling expectations.

Points available D: 12-13.9

Points available F: 0-11.9

Score of Writing Mechanics,

/ 20

Organization and Composition
20 points

The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose. Transitions link paragraphs. It’s easy to follow the line reasoning.

The writing style is consistently academic and there is little to no superfluous language.

Points available: 18-20

17.9 points

The ideas are arranged logically to support the central purpose. Transitions usually link paragraphs. For the most part, the reader can follow the line of reasoning.

The writing style is almost exclusively academic and there is very little superfluous language.

Points available: 16-17.9

15.9 points

In general, ideas are arranged logically, but sometimes, they fail to make sense together. The reader is fairly clear about what the writer intends.

The writing style is generally academic and there is infrequent but some superfluous language.

Points available: 14-15.9

13.9 points

Ideas are not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense together. The reader cannot identify a clear line of reasoning.

The writing style is generally not academic and there is frequent use of superfluous language.

Points available D: 12-13.9

Points available F: 0-11.9

Score of Organization and Composition,

/ 20


Score of 321 Assignment #1 Rubric,

/ 200

Overall Score

Exceeds Expectations – Equivalent to an A

180 points minimum

Above Expectations – Equivalent to an B

160 points minimum

Meets Expectations – Equivalent to an C

140 points minimum

Below Expectations – Equivalent to an D or F

0 points minimum

Answer Preview: CCJS 321: Compare and contrast digital evidence and non-digital evidence





