Democrats Confront Vexing Politics over the Health Care Law
Assignment Overview:
One of the main themes throughout this course is that the American political system is remarkably adaptable to accommodate the current circumstances of the nation. The objective of the report is to get you thinking about how concepts covered in the course apply to things that are happening around the nation and in your own community. The objective of this assignment is to analyze a newspaper article and discuss how it applies to or incorporates key concepts covered in the course. The written report is worth 20% of your course grade.
Students should begin the report by summarizing the article (approx.2 pgs). Article summaries should include: description of the event(s) covered, the significance/importance of the event, the level of governance the activity/policy occurs at (i.e. local, state, federal) and sources used in the article (i.e. quotes, eyewitness report, government report/spokesperson).
Next, students should discuss and analyze how the article relates to key concepts from this course (approx. 2 pgs). In this discussion be sure to include: definitions of the terms and concepts being employed (students may wish to cite the textbook definition), and an analysis of how the newspaper article relates to the course concepts (i.e. does the article show how the concepts are applied/used in politics?, does the article challenge our understanding of the concepts in the real world of politics?, etc.)
The assignment should be approximately 5 pages in length, typed, double-spaces, in 12 pt. times new roman font, with 1-inch margins all around.
Choosing Key Concepts for the assignment:
Choose an article and topic that you’re interested in! You may choose to write on any major concept in the textbook. (I.e. federalism, political ideology, redistricting, civil liberties, civil rights, campaigns, media and politics, etc.) In your paper please make sure to identify where you found the concept in the textbook (I.e. chapter and page).
You must provide citations from the textbook and the article!!!
List of Approved Newspapers:
(Students MUST attach a copy of the article to their paper in order to receive credit for the assignment.)
Associated Press
Los Angeles Times
New York Times
Orange County Register
Chicago Sun-Times
San Francisco Chronicle
New York Post
USA Today
Washington Post
Chicago Tribune
Wall Street Journal
New York Daily News
(Most of these newspapers can be accessed on-line)