Discussion #3 Motivation-PSYC-101

Discussion #3 Motivation-PSYC-101

Discussion #3 Motivation

Motivation is the need that directs behavior. One theorist, Abraham Maslow, created a hierarchy of needs based on the notion that some needs take priority over other needs.  He believed that certain needs had to be met before we could meet higher level needs. For instance, he believed we had to have our physiological needs met before we could meet our need for safety. In turn, only after our safety needs were met could we attain our need for love and belonging. Then, once these needs were met we could work on attaining our esteem needs and then finally work on attaining the highest level of human needs, self actualization.

Please post your thoughts regarding why you have decided to attend college based on Maslow’s hierarchy. Be sure to include your thoughts regarding which level(s) of needs are met by attending college. Make sure in your initial response that you are defining what Maslow’s hierarchy is citing the textbook in APA style! This means you should have your textbook listed in APA style at the end of your initial response!

Please remember that your primary post must be at least 300 words in length (include word count) and will be worth 15 of the 25 points for this assignment. You must respond to two peers’ posts. Each peer response must be at least 150 words in length (include both word counts) and must add significant value to the discussion.

Answer Preview-Discussion #3 Motivation-PSYC-101

Discussion #3 Motivation-PSYC-101




