Edward Snowden—Ethical?-IT-412

Edward Snowden—Ethical?-IT-412

Edward Snowden—Ethical?-Begin this discussion by reviewing The Most Wanted Man in the World.

Edward Snowden disclosed NSA spying and other U.S. government secrets and monitoring projects. He fled to Russia and is seeking asylum there. The U.S. government has charged him with espionage (U.S. charges Snowden with espionage). Snowden maintains that he is a patriot, that he disclosed the information for the greater good of society, and that society has a right to know the information.

Although the U.S. government has charged him with committing a crime, does Snowden’s belief that he was releasing the data for the greater good outweigh the law? What is your position? In responding to your peers’ posts, reflect on how the moral theory you wrote about in Module Two applies to the stance of the original post. What are the negative impacts (if any) of what Snowden did?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Answer Preview-Edward Snowden—Ethical?-IT-412





