Ethics in Criminal Justice

Ethics in Criminal Justice

Ethics in Criminal Justice

Frawley produces some documents to show that increasing numbers of communities, especially those along major interstate highways such as 1-70, have been targeted by juvenile gangs for locating methamphetamine labs for production and distribution. Furthermore, the BCI has an undercover officer pretending to be a gang member. The undercover officer says that Griffin is a major distribution point for much of the methamphetamine and other drugs, such as cocaine and heroin that are making their way to Chicago, Oklahoma City, Detroit, and Omaha. Ainsworth advises Frawley that it seems that the county boys and the BCI seem to have the situation well in hand. Further, Ainsworth can’t spare any of his limited juvenile officers to work on any task force. He says that he doesn’t see how this is his problem anyway, and he believes that the BCI can handle it without his assistance. He says to Frawley, “Listen, Bill, I’ll tell you what. The first inkling my officers have of drugs in Griffin, we’ll get together, have a conference, and decide whether we ought to get involved. Right now, I’d just as soon not bother the mayor or city council and scare them with the idea that drugs are all over Griffin. Let’s just leave things as they are.” Frawley leaves, thinking that he’s not going to get any cooperation from Ainsworth.

1. Why do you believe Ainsworth is reluctant to become involved in an anti-gang task force to combat the spread of methamphetamine and other drugs in Griffin? Is his decision a personal one or does it involve a concern for his community and its image? What do you think and why?

2. Since the activities of gang members in and around Griffin appear to be affecting drug trafficking in cities in other states, should the BC! network with the Federal Bureau of Investigation or Drug Enforcement Administration to enlist their manpower and assistance in combating this local problem? Why or why not?

3. Is Dan Ainsworth engaging in ethical relativity? Why or why not? What are the major ethical issues that can be identified in this scenario? List each and discuss them.

Your essay is the summation of your answers to these three questions. Devote approximately 250 words per question. You are not limited in this regard. In short, you may write more if you feel that it would help to explain your rationale more effectively.

BCI- Bureau of criminal Investigation

Answer Preview-Ethics in Criminal Justice

Ethics in Criminal Justice




