Evaluating Credibility of Sources

Evaluating Credibility of Sources

Evaluating Credibility of Sources


Using the Class Wiki, upload information about any academic subject of your choosing. Add both valid and invalid information from the Internet. Be prepared to discuss.

Read the article titled “Making Sense of Credibility on the Web: Model for Evaluating Online Information and Recommendation for Future Research,” located at http://www.ischools.org/conference08/pc/WC17_iconf08.pdf. Think about how you assess information that you find and decide if the source is credible. Be prepared to discuss.


From the first e-Activity, evaluate two (2) other Wiki entries. Determine whether they are true, false, heavily biased, or an advertisement for a product. Provide a rationale for your response.

Suggest one (1) strategy that you would use in order to classify troublesome content into the four (4) categories provided in the text. Justify your determination with specific content from the Wiki to support your rationale.

Answer Preview-Evaluating Credibility of Sources

Evaluating Credibility of Sources




