Grant Proposal

Grant Proposal

Grant Proposal

Assignment 2: Course Project: First Half Due

The final project will be a completed grant proposal for an actual or hypothetical nonprofit organization. You are to identify a community problem and nonprofit program that addresses the identified problem.  You will then assume the role as the nonprofit organization’s grant writer to complete a modified common grant proposal in response to an actual grant opportunity you will find online.  The following sections will be included in the grant proposal:

  • A cover letter to introduce the grant project
  • A summary of the grant project
  • An appeal section that details how the project relates to the funder’s priorities
  • A needs statement including data to support the community problem exists
  • A one sentence goal statement
  • Two objectives that measure progress toward meeting the goal
  • A narrative description of the project including methods to achieve the objectives
  • A related annual budget and budget justification
  • A time and task chart that details the who, when, and how of the project components
  • A closing section
  • A list of appendices

For part 1 of the final project you are asked to complete the following sections:

The Needs Statement:
Develop a one to two page needs statement.  In this section discuss the community problem that your program is designed to address and include data that supports the problem exists in the community the program serves. Also identify the nonprofit organization and its mission statement, the nonprofit program that addresses the community need, and the target population or clients the program serves.

Goal Statement and Objectives:
Develop a one sentence goal statement that directly relates to the identified community problem. Use the information you learned in week two to write a compelling and worthwhile goal statement.

Develop two objectives designed to attain the program goal.  Each objective should be measurable in terms of time, place, target population, and anticipated increase or decrease.  The objectives, if successfully met, would indicate the progress made toward your goal. Ideally, your objectives should be one or two sentences long.

Narrative Statement including Methods:
Write a narrative description of the project. The narrative description should include the methods or activities that will be conducted to achieve each objective.  Also include a brief explanation of how your goal relates to your need and how your objectives make progress toward your objectives.  Use straightforward language, avoiding jargon, and carefully proofread your document before submitting it. You want this section to be a summary that accurately, but interestingly, describes the details of your project.

Annual Budget:
Using the textbook, lectures, and online research as guides, prepare an annual budget and budget justification for your project.  The annual budget should be a two column table inserted into your Microsoft Word document. Click here to refer to a sample annual budget.  The budget should be designed using applicable line items and their related financial amounts.  Use your knowledge of the program and an internet search to determine the appropriate line items to include in the budget.

Ensure the following for the annual budget:

  • The annual budget should have two main sections.  In the first section, list all the income items.  If you anticipate any grant-related income, that should also be reflected. In the second section, list all the expense items.  Group the expenses together by whatever categories make the most sense to you—refer to the example attached. Make sure that the categories tie into your narrative and account for the costs associated with your objectives and methods.
  • The income and expenses sections’ totals must equal for the budget to balance. If in-kind items are included in the budget, include any in-kind income and reflect an equal amount of in-kind expenses.
  • Include a budget narrative which provides details related to each income and expense line item included in the budget.

Overall, you want to provide a straightforward, professional line item budget and budget narrative.  They should provide sufficient details so that the funding source can tell exactly how you plan to spend the grant funds if they are awarded and precisely how you determined what the amount of each expense.

Cash Flow (or Month-to-Month) Budget:  Using the annual budget as the foundation, prepare a cash flow or month-to-month budget. Make sure that the amounts associated with each line item matches the timing outlined in the objectives and methods. Do not just divide the amount of each line item by twelve and indicate the same amount will be spent each month for each line item.  Make realistic assumptions about the anticipated grant funds disbursement. Ensure that you make the assumptions transparent with a footnote. If you anticipate any income or expense being linked to particular activity, make sure you reflect that income in the month it is likely to be received or spent. Prepare the cash flow budget using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet provided.

Answer Preview-Grant Proposal

Grant Proposal





