Helping Kids with Autism
I have a paper of around 2 pages to write for a management class in business.
It is about a group project but this is the individual paper. Our project is called Music4autism, it is about having artists playing music for autistic kids. Music enhance their positive response. They hear happy music they are happy.
My group and I went to Walmart to do a fund raising for the foundation music4autism. SO basically we helped raising fund to help those autistic kids. I have to write a personnal paper on it. What is between parenthesis are ideas that I had for responding to the questions. For the career part, you can make up whatever you want. My course in a management class so it is about managing people, I could see that ” I was working good in groups for that type of project since is non profit and for helping people it makes it easier to work together I guess”.
This is what I have to do:
Individual Paper – A two page reflection piece on your personal growth as a result of working on the community project. It should guided by completing the following partial statements:
I learned that….? Be specific about what you actually learned (personal growth).
( i. I learn a lot of stuff about autism/ autistic doctor…. Facts autism….)
I learned this when….? (Give examples)
( i. During the period of time I’ve been helping music for autism, as I got more involved I got more interested and made more research about it./)
This learning matters because….? (How does this relate to your course, goals, career objectives etc?) i. In light of this learning I will….? (Make specific action oriented decisions and/or recommendations).
( i. I recommend people to become more aware about autism… 1 out 50 person…
I encourage people to get involve and to know more about autism. To help people.)