Hydro-power Dams Cause Species Extinction

Hydro-power Dams Cause Species Extinction

Hydro-power Dams Cause Species Extinction-In this activity, you will be practicing your reading skills, note taking abilities, summary writing skills and academic vocabulary.  Read an academic article and take detailed notes.  Use your notes to write a summary of the article.  Then find five words from the article that are new academic words to you.  Each week you will share what you learned with a partner!

Step 1. Pick an article from Science Daily. Pick an article on a topic that is interesting to you.

Step 2.  Write the name of the article you chose at the top of your worksheet.

Step 3. Read the article and take notes.  Your notes should be complete and easy to read.  Read the article a second time if you missed something.

Step 4.  Pick five academic words that are new to you.  If there weren’t any new words in the article, pick any 5 academic words from the article.  You can find a list of academic words on this webpage.

Step 5.  Find the definition for these words using a dictionary (print or online).  Then write down the sentence they were in in the article.  Finally, write your own sentence using these words.

Step 6.  Bring your filled-in worksheet to class, and be prepared to present your ideas.  Each Wednesday, you will share about your article with a partner.  You will be handing in your worksheet to me every Wednesday for a grade.

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Hydro-power Dams Cause Species Extinction




