Infection and Disease-BIOL-107 

Infection and Disease-BIOL-107 

Infection and Disease

Question 1
A pathogen is a microorganism that __________.

cannot cause disease

may cause disease

always causes disease

Question 2
Which of the following describes the main reason that scientists use Koch’s postulates?

To develop vaccines for specific diseases.

To clearly identify and characterize a particular microorganism.

To demonstrate that a certain disease is caused by a microorganism.

To isolate and culture microorganisms from diseased animals

Question 3
Epidemiology is the method used to find the cause of a disease in populations. Who of the following is considered one of the fathers of epidemiology?

Louis Pasteur

Paul Ehrlich

John Snow

Robert Koch

Question 4
True or false: Having certain microorganisms living in your body is important to keep you healthy.



Question 5
Which of the following is true about primary pathogens? (Check all that apply).

They only cause acute diseases; they cannot cause chronic diseases.

They can only cause disease in immunocompromised individuals.

They can cause disease in normal, healthy individuals.

Examples of primary pathogens include both bacteria and viruses.

Question 6
If you are infected with an organism is highly virulent, it means that ______

you have a weakened immune system.

you know that you have been infected by a virus.

it is likely to make you very ill.

it will spread quickly in your body.

Question 7
True or false: One difference between acute diseases and chronic diseases is that acute disease are caused by pathogens, while chronic diseases are caused by genetic factors.


Question 8
Which of the following are TRUE about routes of transmission?

Blood-borne pathogens are always trasmitted by sexual or other direct contact between two individuals

Airborne transmission of pathogens involve these pathogens can travel in tiny droplets or on dust particles.

Zoonosis refers to when pathogens are spread from one animal to another
This is false because zoonosis is a disease (or infection) that is transmitted from animals to humans, either directly or through vectors.

People can get infected with pathogens from water or food that is contaminated.

Respiratory pathogens (pathogens living in lungs) can leave the
body by coughing, sneezing, or by a runny nose.

Some kinds of pathogens are transmitted by pathogens can be transmitted through sexual contact.

Pathogens are always transmitted directly from one infected individual to another individual.

Question 9

Which of the following are the characteristics a microorganism must have to be a successful pathogen?

Induce damage to, or cause in, the host’s tissues.

Be transmitted by direct physical contact between the infected person and the person who will become the new host.

Survive passage from one host (or a reservoir) to a new host

Withstand the host’s defense mechanisms for a period of time.

Be transmitted by vectors such as mosquitos

Attach to or penetrate specific cells and/or tissues in the host.

Question 10
True or false: Viruses use adhesins (special cell-surface components or appendages) to attach to host cells.


Question 11
Which of the following are true about the way that bacteria avoid being eliminated by the immune system?

Most bacterua are constantly changing the proteins on their outside layer so that they phagocytes can’t recognize them.
This is not true for bacteria. However, many viruses hide from the immune system constantly changing the proteins on the outside of the virus.

Some bacteria cover the surface of the bacterial cell so that the phagocytes (and antibodies) can’t recognize them.

Some bacteria make special proteins to kill the phagocytes.

Many bacteria have substances on their surface that block their engulfment by the phagocytes.

Most bacteria live inside individual cells, and can be transmitted directly from one cell to the next,

Question 12
True or false: Endotoxins are less potent than exotoxins.



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Infection and Disease-BIOL-107 




