Insurance Premiums for Smokers and Obese Employees

Insurance Premiums for Smokers and Obese Employees

Insurance Premiums for Smokers and Obese Employees

Selecting a Topic: Writing is approached as a process, and one of the first steps in the process is selecting a topic.  Below are some pointers for selecting a topic:

  • Choose a topic that impacts you in some way;
  • Have personal experience with the topic because it will probably lend some perspective;
  • Develop an angle, a unique perspective on the topic, so you do not rehash previously stated arguments.

These tips will help you with your assignment this week, which is to choose a topic, narrow it, research different points of view about it, and identify your audience in order to develop your angle on the topic.

Doing a Little Research: Like writing, research should be approached as a process. Relying on the first results you find through a Google search or a quick skim through a newspaper  is not going to get you far. Instead, it’s important to devote time to your research process—pursue topics, understand the issues, and develop a deeper knowledge of the complexities involved.. To put your topic to the test and to make sure it will meet the requirements for the Course Project, you will want to do some academic research. Using the school library  will help you test your topic and focus on reliable and credible sources so that your research is guided ethically.

For More Information

See Doc Sharing for the following support documents.

  • The assignment template
  • The assignment grading rubric

See the text book for the following information:

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Insurance Premiums for Smokers and Obese Employees




