International Aspects of Business Decision Making

International Aspects of Business Decision Making

International Aspects of Business Decision Making

A completed table + 800-1,000 word summary
Details: Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

As an owner of a visible business that is valued in the community, you are making a final decision regarding the international aspects of a business decision, and you decide to set up a table with the risks and weigh their relative importance against the rate of return you foresee. You also need to put a plan in place to overcome it. Two main considerations are central to the decision:

  • Would the government encourage a decision to expand?
  • How would it affect the reputation of the business?

Your assignment is to fill in the table and then provide a brief summary of your decision, highlighting the two above considerations. The following are instructions for completing the table:

  • Choose an industry with which you are familiar or have an interest.
  • For each risk type listed in the table, indicate with an X in the appropriate column whether the risk will affect them as an importer or an exporter.
  • Also, make an assumption of what type of business (large, medium, or small) you will be using for each risk type by marking L, M, or S in the column.
  • Using these factors, provide a brief answer on how to overcome the risk for the industry and the business.

Answer Preview-International Aspects of Business Decision Making

International Aspects of Business Decision Making




