Japanese and American Soldiers

Japanese and American Soldiers

Japanese and American Soldiers

This week, your studies are focused on Japanese soldiers: their experiences, motivations, and actions. What information do you find compelling? Why? How does information in Dower’s War Without Mercy develop your understanding of the Japanese soldiers perspective of the Pacific War? Using a critical analysis essay form, state a thesis, give examples and citations, and offer a conclusion. Use page numbers in your references!  Avoid using universal terms (Americans, Japanese, we, they, etc.).

This week’s study focuses on American soldiers and patriotism. Based on what you’ve read of Dower’s book and the films for class do you think someone can be both a pacifist and a patriot at the same time? Could any of these Conscientious Objectors be considered heroes, or are they heretics?

Use a critical essay form, giving examples (including page numbers) to support your analysis. Post your reply early in the week and check back often to respond to your classmates.

Answer Preview-Japanese and American Soldiers

Japanese and American Soldiers




