Kyle Ventura vs Chris Kelly 

Kyle Ventura vs Chris Kelly 

Kyle Ventura vs Chris Kelly

5 pages, list why the party is liable, list all steps for defamation, difference between actual malice, etc.

“punch out scruff face”

There are seven crucial steps for defamation and what one would need to take to file a civil lawsuit. One can file a lawsuit for defamation when a false statement has been made against him in the public and when the statement is so injurious to ones reputation. One should ensure that the statements are really false and set up an appointment with an attorney after which he/ she will take out a civil complaint form and let the attorney review the form. He should then submit the form after paying fee and then notify the defendant about the complaint after which the defendant may try to approach you before you take another course of action against him.

Answer Preview-Kyle Ventura vs Chris Kelly 

Kyle Ventura vs Chris Kelly 




