No Teacher left Behind Act
We often talk about the measures of No Child Left Behind and ensuring student success. There is, however, no talk about such type of Act for teachers. How would you suggest we, as a nation, provide consistent learning opportunities for teachers and ensure that they are not left behind in learning about new techniques and strategies? Should all teachers across the country use certain practices? If so, what would those be? Should there be a consistent standard for all teachers to meet, just as students must pass high stakes tests? If so, what would be the standard? Lastly, share your thoughts on how well teachers are being prepared to master the ISTE Standards for Teachers standards in their classrooms.
Choose one of the following technology tools to enhance your written response (Smore, Prezi, PowToon, Sliderocket, Empressr, VUVOX,, Google Docs, VCASMO, brainshark)