Process of Identity Development during Adolescence

Process of Identity Development during Adolescence

Process of Identity Development during Adolescence

Social Change Within Developmental Psychology

Throughout this course, you probably gravitated to certain stages of development and certain research topics. Perhaps you found cognitive development during early childhood particularly appealing. Perhaps you are interested in identity development during adolescence and the influence of culture. Maybe you want to learn more about how older adults cope with Alzheimer’s disease. There are endless questions and endless opportunities to affect change, improve human development, and positively impact the overall quality of life.

Take your curiosities and interests a step further and generate some ideas for positive social change in those areas. Don’t limit yourself to what your current resources or capacities are; if you had the resources at your disposal, what would you want to do?
To prepare for this Discussion, select an age/stage that interests you and for which you see social change possibilities.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a brief description of the age/stage and social change possibility you selected. Then explain actions you could take to bring about social change for that possibility. Be specific.

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Process of Identity Development during Adolescence




