Product Design and Quality Control in Target

Product Design and Quality Control in Target

Product Design and Quality Control in Target-Use Target Co

Interview your company for parts 3 and 4 (refer to the Potential Interview Questions document) of the project and submit a summary of the interview based on the questions you established in the third assignment in Unit 1 and on the requirements for the third and fourth project components.

Part Two: Project Description

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  1. What is the company’s history and culture?
  2. Does it have a mission statement and what is it?
  3. Who do they sell to and what is the general profile?
  4. Who is their biggest competitors and their profile?
  5. What is their market share for their immediate area and the industry?
  6. Others?

Part Three: Product Design

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  1. What is the product or service?
  2. How do they complete their product or service?
  3. How do they design their product or service?
  4. Make a flow chart.
  5. Others?

Product Design and Quality Control in Target- Part Four: Quality Control

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  1. How do they control the quality of the product or service?
  2. Do they use any type of programs such as TQM, Six Sigma, or others?
  3. How do they train their employees to ensure product quality?
  4. Others?

Part Five: JIT Analysis

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  1. How do they receive their components or materials for their product or service?
  2. Do they have alliances or partnerships with other companies?
  3. Do they have JIT and how do they use it?
  4. How are the component parts integrated into the business process?
  5. Others?

Part Six: Facilities Analysis

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  1. Where are their plants located? Are they close to customers and materials? Transportation? Other essentials?
  2. What type of technology do they use throughout their company? Is there MRP, CADCAM, SAP, or other technology?
  3. Do they have any controls or systems to control their inventory?
  4. Others?

Product Design and Quality Control in Target-Part Seven: Company Alignment

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  1. What are the company’s core competencies?
  2. How well are the core competencies in alignment with the mission statement?
  3. Others?

Part Eight: Final Presentation

Answer Preview-Product Design and Quality Control in Target

Product Design and Quality Control in Target




