Quiz #4 Memory-PSYC-101

Quiz #4 Memory-PSYC-101

Quiz #4 Memory

Question 1

Nora and Miles are studying for an exam. Nora makes flash cards to memorize new terms and repeatedly reads them to herself. Miles links new terms to the ones he already knows based on their meanings. Nora is using ________ and Miles is using ________ to learn the terms.
maintenance rehearsal; elaborative rehearsal

elaborative rehearsal; maintenance rehearsal

semantic memory; procedural memory

procedural memory; semantic memory

Question 2
Which of the following is a type of explicit memory?

classical conditioning
procedural memory

episodic memory

motor skills

Question 3
Ali’s previous boyfriend was name Sam and her new boyfriend is named Stan. When she accidentally calls her now boyfriend by the name of Sam, she explains to him that her mistake was due to:

proactive interference
retroactive interference

anterograde amnesia

retrograde amnesia

Question 4
Kumar works part-time at a campus coffee shop. One day his psychology professor from last semester comes in and Kumar takes her order. While he is making the professor’s coffee, Kumar tries to remember the professor’s name. Right now Kumar is accessing two types of memory storage:             to complete the coffee order and                to remember the professor’s name.

working memory; sensory storage.
short-term storage; long-term storage

working memory; long-term storage.

sensory storage; long-term storage

Question 5
Igor has not been skiing in 10 years. However, when he gets on his skis, his body remembers exactly how to ski. The kind of memory that makes it possible for him to remember how to ski is:




Question 6
Which of the following actions is an example of prospective memory?
planning to pick up a library book on your way home tomorrow

daydreaming about your date next Friday

remembering what you did last weekend

learning historical dates for your exam tomorrow

Question 7
If someone asks you to describe what a school is, you would most likely retrieve a(n) ________ memory.




Question 8
Inattention and the shallow encoding of events can often result in ________, which leads to forgetting.




Question 9
Laden has a memory of getting a teddy bear at a childhood birthday party. However, she cannot remember who gave it to her or at which birthday she received it. Laden is experiencing:

retrograde amnesia


anterograde amnesia

Question 10
When Jon visits his grandmother’s house, he always thinks about his childhood. Something about the way her house smells seems to trigger these memories. This is an example of ________ memory.




Question 11
Aman has anterograde amnesia. However, he can still remember how to ride a bicycle and how to tie his shoes, because his ________ memory is still intact.

explicit episodic
explicit procedural

implicit episodic

implicit procedural

Question 12
You have been away attending college for three months. When you return home for the winter break, your family dog recognized you immediately. Your dog responded this way because his brain:
encoded the visual information about what you look like.

created a mental video recording of what you look like.

assessed the information already stored in his brain about what you look like.

stored the information about what you look like.

Question 13
When you watch a movie, you are relying on multiple memory stores.                storage gives you the perception of many brief, still images as a single moving image.               storage lets you maintain the events of the plot in your memory and understand the story as you watch.short-term; sensory

sensory; short-term

sensory; long-term

short term; long-term

Question 14
People find it easier to put on a button-down shirt but much harder to write out instructions for putting on a button-down shirt. This difference suggests that                memory is typically an                memory.

procedural; explicit
episodic; explicit

procedural; implicit

episodic; implicit

Question 15
When you are reading your textbook, your brain changes the words you are reading into a meaningful neural code that it can use. In memory, this process is called:




Quiz #4 Memory-PSYC-101




